There are times when your spiritual power is greater than normal and your angels will have a stronger influence on you and your life. There are loads of theories as to why this is.
Some people say that it’s because of planetary alignment while others think it’s the phases of the moon.
Whatever causes this increased window of spiritual power isn’t as important to decipher as it is to make the most of it.
Angel number 108 is your sign that you are in a time of increased spiritual power and enlightenment. This should be used to further your spiritual health which you can apply to your life.
I want to show you how you can do that, so let’s take a look at this blessing.
Never Do This If You Keep Seeing 108
In the introduction of this guide, I spoke about how people have all sorts of theories as to what causes a window of spiritual boosting for someone.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s an interesting question and one that is fun to discuss with other spirituality experts. However, I think that you can get caught up in the specifics of such a question.
At least, I think this is the case when you have angel number 108 in your life. You see, when you have this increased window of spiritual guidance it is temporary.
Your angels have granted a powerful window of spiritual guidance for you but you will need to make the most of it. I can’t tell you exactly how long it will last, but it won’t be too long.
Normally when I have seen this number appear for people it’s a blessing that lasts for about a week or so, but it’s not a hard rule. So, my biggest piece of advice about this blessing is:
Don’t delay!
If you waste time wondering why you were sent this message and why your angels have chosen to give you this spiritual boost then you waste the opportunity that your angels have sent.
I think there is a point with spiritualty where it becomes a bit too academic and mired in small and unnecessary details.
Instead, you should focus on what you feel with this blessing and where it leads you ultimately.
Your angels are guiding your heart and your spirit, and these aren’t things that can be easily explained with the kinds of logic we apply to other conundrums in life.
So, while you have this blessing in your life, take the time to make the most of it and don’t worry about too much else. With this brief window of a blessing, it’s important to be focused.
In fact, finding focus is a big part of this blessing, but we will cover this in more detail later on.
For now, you should know that you’re following your heart here and you can use this blessing to advance your spiritual health and journey.
I am confident that you will go into this blessing with the right state of mind now that you know more about it, and then you can focus on the good things your angels want for you.
Speaking of these things, let’s take a look at the message that your angels are sending you.
Your Angels Are Sending You A Message With 108
Now we know what you should avoid when it comes to this special opportunity, but now I want to focus on what your angels are telling you by sending you this blessing.
No matter what has caused it, you’re in an ideal state spiritually to find success and advance your spirituality.
Essentially, your angels are shining a bright spiritual light on you when they send angel number 108.
Some would see this as a lucky number, and I can see why someone may come to that conclusion. While you have this number in your life, things may seem easier and clearer.
Making decisions will come more naturally to you and you will be able to deal with people and connect spiritually with them and situations around you.
Because of these things, you’ll notice that things work out for you a lot more, making it seem like things are luckier for you. However, it’s not about luck really.
Let’s say that you have to run a marathon tomorrow. Here are two scenarios for this marathon:
1: You get a great night’s sleep the night before.
2: You barely sleep the night before.
Even though it’s the same distance in both scenarios, I’d wager that you would find the marathon much easier when you had a good night’s sleep.
However, you would really struggle when you barely had any sleep. Spiritually speaking, angel number 108 is like you had the best night’s sleep of your life and you have tons of energy.
This means that things that would be difficult in some situations would be much easier for you to do now.
It’s not about creating luck for yourself, but it is about using the spiritual boost your angels have sent.
Engaging in positive spiritual health combined with positive mental and physical health makes it so much easier for you to get through life and thrive with abundance.
Your angels are sending a window for you to have the best chance at life possible. You can use this to not only make things happen around you but also within yourself.
The latter aspect will be covered more in the final section, but for now you can know that it’s a good idea to apply yourself to things that you have found difficult or impossible in the past.
You will have a much better chance of achieving these things during this time, as your angels have given you the biggest boost possible!
The Hidden Meaning Behind 108 Angel Number
When you have the benefits of angel number 108 in your life, you can use it to accomplish some amazing things in your life.
I already spoke about how you will be set up to do things that were previously difficult or impossible.
However, it’s not all about what happens to the world around you. It’s also about the inner world you have inside of your own mind and spirit.
That might sound very grand, but it’s a lot simpler than you may think. When you meditate, you become one with yourself and you have a better view of your spirit and your true self.
Meditation can often lead to revelations about yourself that were buried down below all along. It’s something that can happen psychologically as well.
Some therapists will use techniques to help you unlock long forgotten memories and feelings. When you have angel number 108 active in your life, it’s a time for action and reflection.
If you’re not one to meditate normally, I would suggest that you try to change that during this blessing. This is the best time for you to come to grips with yourself spiritually speaking.
We should all strive to be at peace with ourselves. True inner peace means accepting flaws while uplifting the positives we have inside.
It’s a true acceptance that can be used to make ourselves the best versions of ourselves possible. You can’t expect to improve yourself if you only focus on the good or bad things inside.
Take some time to meditate or even to reflect when you are in this window of spiritual light. Even if it’s done by taking some time to relax with your thoughts, that can work too.
You don’t necessarily have to meditate in the traditional way, but it’s important that you allow your thoughts to be directed and influenced by your angels.
If you have too many thoughts and too much noise in your mind and spirit, then the messages your angels are trying to show you will get lost in all of that.
Sometimes we need to have times of action but other times we need a time of peace and tranquility. This is a time for a balance of both, so don’t neglect those quiet moments!
My Final Comments on 108 Angel Number
Spiritual development and uplifting are things we should all hope for in life. When you have good spiritual health, it sets you up for success both in the things you do but also your inner development.
It’s not always easy to focus on these things, but your angels have sent you angel number 108 to help you with this. This represents a period of increased spiritual development and growth for you.
Your angels will be closer to you during this time and you will feel their presence, influence and guidance more clearly.
You can use this to really improve your life in many ways, so this is an incredible opportunity!
I hope that this brief but powerful window will yield amazing results for you.