
The Knight of Swords Tarot Card’s True Meaning: Love, Health and Money

The Knight of Swords Tarot Card’s True Meaning: Love, Health and Money

A Minor Arcana in the Suit of Swords, the Knight of Swords is a sign that bravery and action are needed. Being able to compromise can be a useful skill in certain circumstances, but now is the time to hold fast to your opinions and fight for what you believe in.

knight of swords, rider-waite

unstoppable force

  • Element: Air
  • Planet: Mercury
  • Astrological sign: Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini
  • Key dates: May 11 to June 10

Visual Elements and Symbolism

In the English Rider-Waite deck, a knight rides forward at breakneck speed atop his trusted white steed. Sword raised, the young knight charges into battle, his polished silver armor reflecting the sun’s rays. He unrelentingly faces the same harsh winds that blow the clouds and trees, fighting the very forces of nature in his push forward.

The whole scene represents the unparalleled strength and determination that the Knight of Swords embodies. Like Hercules or Superman, the Knight of Swords is a powerhouse, an unstoppable force that will move anything that stands in its way. The odds do not deter the heroic knight, even when they should.

All heart and little mind, the knight is often left facing overwhelming foes, too bold for a strategic retreat.

The Knight of Swords Card as a Person

If you drew the Knight of Swords, you are someone who relishes the opportunity to make strong decisions. You easily wield power and can make difficult choices look easy.

While you may have much to learn about the value of slow deliberation, your will to forge ahead has gained the attention of those around you. Your quick wit and charm have made you a social hit.

You’re not one to value humility — instead, you see yourself as a natural leader and the hero of a greater story.

knight of swords illustration
Knight of Swords — Wave Glox


The Knight of Swords Upright: Positive Meanings

Your “win at any cost” mentality can be both a blessing and a curse. Your ability to sacrifice will take you where you want to go, but the cost of your success could prove to be higher than you anticipate.

The glamor of achieving your dreams will wear off quickly if your victories are pyrrhic. You may achieve your goals without losing much, but this would be more a matter of luck than strategy.

Love and Relationships

The Knight of Swords emphasizes movement — people will be coming in and out of your life. This makes the card a great sign for those who are single, and a rather negative one for those in a relationship.

If you’re single, a new partner will soon cross your path. While finding a new romantic interest often requires going outside of your comfort zone — by taking on a new hobby, for instance — this person will come to you without your needing to change your usual habits. In fact, this person will likely be the one to ask you out, which may come as a surprise to you.

If you are in a relationship, your partner is likely dissatisfied. Your focus on work and achieving your goals has left them feeling neglected. If you want to keep the flame alive, make sure that you take the time to show them that they matter.


Finding the Knight of Swords in a spread is an extremely good sign for your career. Continue to be bold and face your challenges head on. Those around you will notice your efforts and reward you.

Your colleagues will likely try to dissuade you from pursuing some of your riskier moves, but stay the course —  it’s only through risk that you’ll achieve your goals.


Opportunity is heading your way. You will have the chance to invest in an idea that will bring you financial success. Your bold attitude will lead you to victories that a more timid person would allow to pass them by.


Use this time of certainty to improve your diet and exercise routine. Maintaining your physical health now will allow you to avoid complications in the future.


The Knight of Swords Reversed: Negative Meanings

The reversed Knight of Swords has all of the energy and ambition of the upright Knight of Swords… with none of the focus.

Your scattered work and unclear goals will cause you to expend a massive amount of energy without achieving anything. Your impatience will erect more barriers to success than anything else in your life.

Love and Relationships

If you are in a relationship, your partner is likely frustrated by your lack of direction. However, this doesn’t mean that a breakup is definitely on the horizon. Work with your partner and together you may discover a path that will lead you both to success.

If you are single, the Knight of Swords reversed has more to say about your potential partners than it does about you. This card is a warning that those you are interested in are impulsive and lack the control necessary for a fruitful relationship. Approach potential relationships with caution for the coming period.


Your dreams of impressing those around you have caused you to take on more than you can handle. As a result, you are failing on many fronts. It’s sometimes better to give one project the entirety of your focus than to spread yourself thin.

Those at the top will only see your failures, not your ambition. Reevaluate everything that you’re working on and create a concrete strategy that focuses on your top priorities.


Now is a time to seek out insurance. Negativity is gathering around you and will manifest as some form of robbery. This can mean anything from a pick-pocketing to an investment scam. Take precautions in order to avoid any such loss.


While you likely feel in tip-top shape right now, you will soon experience a health-related issue. Schedule a checkup in the coming weeks as you may be able to catch the issue before it becomes more serious.

Not all health issues are physical. The stress you’re experiencing is taking its toll on your mental health. Relax and unwind. Your work will suffer in the long run if you over-commit yourself now.

Ladystruck Tarot -- Alexis DeJesus
Ladystruck Tarot — Alexis DeJesus


Your Past, Present, and Future

In the past position, the Knight of Swords represents a growing need for change. A certain tension in your life is unsustainable and you will soon find yourself somewhere new. Begin making plans for the future, but keep your planning to yourself. Those around you have been holding you back from pursuing your dreams. Now is the time to move forward without them.

In the present position, the Knight of Swords is a sign that your focus on success has been too narrow. In pursuit of your dreams, you have developed a tunnel vision that has blinded you to the peripheral issues in your life. The chickens are making their way home to roost, and you have little time to avoid losing all that you’ve worked towards. Perhaps you’ve stepped on too many toes and it’s time to make amends, or all those long hours of work have taken a toll on your health. No matter what the issues you’ve been ignoring, now is the time to address them.

In the future position, the Knight of Swords is a warning that your interpersonal relationships will soon lead to a massive change in perspective. Your worldview will be challenged by the actions of someone close to you. Perhaps a friend will abandon you when you need them most, or your business partner will go behind your back to make deals you wouldn’t approve of. Be prepared for betrayal and trust no one in the upcoming period.

Important Card Combinations

This card is an explosion of ambition and energy. When combined with other cards, the meaning of the Knight of Swords becomes more focused. 

Knight of Swords and Page of Cups

The Page of Cups encourages you to explore the endless possibilities life presents. When it appears with the Knight of Swords, the romantic aspects of both cards are emphasized. Whether single or in a relationship, this combination indicates that someone you know is harboring a secret crush on you. They will soon let you know their feelings.

Knight of Swords and Knight of Pentacles

On their own, both the Knight of Pentacles and Knight of Swords highlight your will to do hard work. However, the Knight of Pentacles is a far more productive card. When combined, these cards warn of an unexpected loss of money. A bill or car repair will set you back if you’re not properly prepared.

Knight of Swords and King of Swords

The King of Swords is a sign of mental clarity that will lead you to the truth. When combined with the ambition of the Knight of Swords, your hard work will result in a fundamental shift in your way of seeing the world.

Be mindful of the well-being of others — those around you often work every bit as hard as you do, but with little recognition for their efforts.

Knight of Swords and Knight of Wands

Both knights are energetic and action oriented, however the Knight of Wands is extremely impulsive. When combined, your life goal will soon shift as a result of a creative work. A piece of music or a film will inspire you to refocus your life, perhaps inspiring you to create art yourself.

Knight of Swords: Yes or No Questions

The Knight of Swords is a no. The card’s disregard for strategy and nuance makes proceeding forward at breakneck speed inadvisable. That said, if you truly have the Knight of Swords as your personality, you will disregard this warning and proceed anyways.

knight of swords
Knight of Swords — Wolfe Erikson
queen of swords rider-waite

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card’s True Meaning: Love, Health and Money

king of swords, rider-waite

The King of Swords Tarot Card’s True Meaning: Love, Health and Money