pain, deep sorrow
The Three of Swords Tarot Card’s True Meaning: Love, Health and Money
The Three of Swords suggests there is severe pain in your life right now, possibly the result of a conflict in your career, a breakup with your partner, or simply a string of unfortunate events.
You can overcome this pain and start anew, but you first need to be honest with yourself and confront it head on.
- Element: Air
- Planet: Saturn
- Astrological sign: Libra
- Key dates: October 3 to 12
Visual Elements and Symbolism
There is no hidden symbolism with the Three of Swords — the card quite clearly depicts pain, picturing a heart pierced by three swords with rain and clouds in the background.
The swords suggest this pain stems from multiple sources. The clouds reinforce this feeling, while simultaneously offering hope that the darkness they bring will soon pass.
The Three of Swords as a Person
The Three of Swords as a person is easily offended and hurt, the result of past negative experiences. History has taught them to be jealous, which is rooted in their fear of abandonment, so they cling to relationships to the point of turning people away. At the same time, they envy people whom they consider free spirits.
Three of Swords people are often difficult to love because of their inability to open up and be their true selves. It’s hard for these people to settle down and be whole as they can only feel complete through another person. Their past traumas entirely dictate their personalities today.

The Three of Swords Upright: Positive Meanings
When this card appears upright in a spread you’re likely to be feeling hurt and disappointed. The root cause — or causes — of this pain may be unclear to you and confusing from many perspectives.
Love and Relationships
If you’re single, the Three of Swords indicates that you’re stuck in the past and unable to move on from the pain you’ve experienced in previous relationships. The Three of Swords can have many negative implications for your love life, including severe insecurity, jealousy, and conflict in general.
If you’re currently in a relationship there’s likely tension between you and your partner, now more than ever. This could result in separation and an imminent divorce, but at the very least hints at a growing resentment in your relationship.
Instead of dwelling in the past, it’s time for you to finally accept the pain you feel and move onto your next chapter.
Your career is causing you great grief. Whether that be the loss of your job, simple displeasure with it, or a lack of positive communication with your colleagues, you’re feeling lost and disappointed as a result.
It’s important to stay positive at this time and assess different ways of turning the situation around. Be honest with yourself and those around you in order to understand where things went wrong in the first place.
Similar to your career standing, your finances aren’t doing well either. It’s time for you to come up with a regimented plan on how to get back on track, in spite of all the negatives in your life right now.
A recent divorce or job loss is the likely reason for your financial instability, so at this time it’s important to remember to make yourself your number one priority.
You likely feel a little lost with regard to your health right now. Your inability to be in total control of your mind and body is causing you to feel sadness and disillusionment.
You may have finally been diagnosed with a medical condition after an extended period of unexplained illness. While you now have the answer to what has been ailing you, it’s something you never saw coming and is therefore causing you to feel out of sorts.
Take this time to connect with your mind through meditation, therapy, and self-reflection. Doing so will greatly improve your ability to think clearly and help you get through this difficult period.
The Three of Swords Reversed: Negative Meanings
Drawing the Three of Swords in the reverse position means that you’re eliminating all the bad elements in your life, and are thereby seeing some of your pain alleviated. The huge weight lifted off your shoulders will allow you to regain control over all aspects of your existence.
Love and Relationships
If you’re in a relationship, the Three of Swords in the reversed position is a sign that you’re finally forgiving and reconciling with your partner. What once felt like a sure-fire path towards divorce will take a turn for the better now that you’re both on the same page and open to communication.
If you’re single, this card indicates healing from a breakup. Your relationship might have ended in anger and hatred, but you now find that you’re able to communicate with your ex amicably.
The forgiveness you’ve shown has lifted a weight off your shoulders, allowing you to pursue new relationships on the right foot.
Things are looking good for you career-wise. The stressful environment you once felt consumed by is becoming a more constructive place to work. The person causing you grief at your job may have left the company or your colleagues might have recognized your need for improved communication. This is fueling your drive to succeed and making a lasting impression on your work.
The financial strain you’ve been experiencing is finally starting to ease up. The plan you put in place is paying off and bearing positive results.
You may have had to swallow your pride and ask for help from your loved ones or drastically changed your lifestyle in order to turn things around, but know that your progress is being acknowledged and admired by those around you. Keep up the good work.
Your health is starting to improve after a long period of pain and suffering. Your newfound determination to prioritize your physical and mental health has proven beneficial to every other aspect of your life.
While you still go through bouts of anxiety and depression, every day seems a little less dark now. If you continue along this path, eventually you’ll truly be free of sorrow.

Your Past, Present and Future
In the past position, you’re able to look back at the foundation of your sadness. While your life may have moved on, you still feel immense pain and grief whenever you review certain past experiences.
The Three of Swords in the present position predicts an intense emotional upheaval. Past traumatic events are now going to affect you in unprecedented ways. However, if you have no major traumatic experiences in your history it’s possible you may have caused pain to others that’s now coming back to haunt you. Karma.
In the future position, this card serves as a wake up call. It’s time to analyze your relationships, career, finances and health in order to set yourself straight for the future.
Important Card Combinations
When cards are placed in combination, they feed off each other to create a fully rounded reading. In some cases, the cards paired with the Three of Swords will challenge the inherent traits this card possesses.
Three of Swords and Strength
This is one of the only card combinations that will allow you to recover from the grief and suffering you’ve experienced in your life. The Strength card symbolizes your newfound ability to simply brush negative people and situations away. This will confuse and ultimately discourage those people from causing you further pain.
Three of Swords and Justice
In this combination, the pain and loss you’re feeling is being put into action by law enforcement or the justice system. You may be losing your loved one to jail or about to lose an important court case that has already brought you much grief and sadness. Justice is generally a positive card, but in this context it carries a negative connotation.
Three of Swords and Magician
This pairing indicates that you’re more in control of your destiny than you realize. The Magician card assures that you’re not a victim, but rather a fighter who will take control of your life despite the pain inflicted upon you.
Three of Swords: Yes or No Questions
The Three of Swords represents pain and suffering as a result of deep emotional loss. As such, the answer to your question is no.