
1144 Angel Number And Its Meaning

Learn how you can fully embrace this number’s power…

We are all on a journey in life, and that journey is comprised of many smaller ones. At one point in your life, you may be on a growth journey, at another you may be on a healing journey.

Angel number 1144 is a sign from your angels that you need to start a new journey in life. They see that you need to work on things in your personal life and make some changes.

We can all use some self improvement from time to time, as no one on this planet is perfect. Your angels want to help you to work toward a more prosperous journey for your life.

That way, you can be the best version of yourself that you possibly can be!

Is 1144 Angel Number Unlucky?

Most people don’t like to be criticized, as much as we don’t like to admit it. We all have egos to an extent, and no one likes to be accused of not doing a good job in general.

For that reason, I have seen some people take offense to the meaning of this angel number when they hear what it is. They take it as a bad sign that things need to change.

Change is rarely easy, even when it’s ultimately positive. Some people feel so strongly about it that they ask me if this is an unlucky number.

To them, I will always categorically say no to that question. Getting told to change things in your life can be just what you need, in fact.

It makes me think of an old client I once had. His name completely escapes me right now, so I will give him the name Isaac for simplicity.

While I may not remember his name, I remember his situation very well. Isaac saw this number around 3 times, and he booked a consultation with me to discover what it meant.

I already knew the gist of what this number meant, and from what he told me, it was only more apparent. Isaac was a classic case of being stuck in a rut.

His career had stalled, and he has stopped taking care of his body as well, leading to health problems. He got defensive, saying he felt judged by all of this and abruptly left.

I didn’t take it too personally, as I knew it was just a bitter pill to swallow. He must have calmed down a bit, because he would later tell me that he had realized it was right.

Not only that, but once he admitted that there was room for improvement, he found that it was easy enough for him to get started on self-improvement.

In the end, he was very happy that he did so! This is the attitude I would like you to have if you see angel number 1144 in your life

Don’t take it as an attack or even a judgment. Your angels want you to be the best that you can be, and they see that it is possible for you to achieve it.

The next step will be to identify some of the ways that you can improve your life and make things even better for yourself.

This can involve a period of introspection, and that is what I will cover in the next step.

What NOT To Do If You Keep Seeing 1144

While some may take the message of angel number 1144 negatively, believe it or not, some can take it too far in the other direction.

Some people love the opportunity to make positive changes and can get very excited.

This is great in theory, but it represents a mistake that some people can make. That is that you need to slow down, take stock and figure out where your angels are pointing you.

Your angels have seen a specific path to improvement for you, and they will want you to achieve this ideal they have seen for your life. For that reason, you want to avoid rushing headfirst into it.

That way, you can get so caught up in the excitement that you don’t make the changes that your angels have seen for you. So how can you avoid that?

Once you know what the message of 1144 is, try to take some quiet time to sit back and analyze your feelings on the matter.

Your angels will subtly let you know what it is that they have seen for your life.

You can identify the things that need to change and the things that can stay the same. When you’re on the right track, you will feel the influence of your angels pushing you in that direction.

When something feels right or like it’s drawing you in magnetically, then that’s a good sign that you are going the right way. Follow your intuition and follow that subtle guidance.

It is also a good idea to make a list of the things that you come up with during this process. Then, you can work on the ways that you can improve these aspects of your life.

This will be something that your angels will help with as well, if you let them. Having the right attitude is the best thing to do in this regard.

Remember that your angels are not ‘attacking’ you with this message, they just want you to live the best version of yourself that you can be.

They definitely believe in you, and that’s the best motivation that you could ever need!

Once you have worked on some good habits and practices for your life, you can carry it forward even once the blessing has passed.

It’s never too late to start building a healthier, happier life for yourself, and there is no better time to start than right now.

Where To Look For Your Numbers

Can you believe that I have spoken to many people that stumbled upon their angel numbers accidentally? I have had more than one client in my time say to me:

“Hey Edel, I have been seeing 1144 everywhere lately. It’s probably nothing, but do you think it means anything?”

I always take great joy in telling them that yes, this is almost definitely an angel number and it certainly does mean something!

The reason I bring this up is that they found their numbers despite being unfamiliar with angel numbers.

How can this be possible? Easy, angel numbers are not just random numbers that your angels will put around you. They have power and they have meaning, and you will sense this.

That’s how people unfamiliar with angel numbers can still pick up on it. They feel the power of these numbers, and something about them sticks in their minds.

You can do this too, and it will potentially be even easier now that you know what to look out for! Looking out for repeating numbers is one thing, but you need to identify how to feel and sense them.

The numbers themselves can appear pretty much anywhere. Billboards, calculators, tax returns and even sports scores are just some of the places that I have heard of people seeing their numbers.

Your angels will place your numbers in places that you have the best chance to see them. That’s why alarm clocks and phone screens are such common places to find your numbers.

When you see a number that feels significant to you, pay attention to it and make a note of it. If you see it again and feel a strong connection once more, then pay even closer attention.

You may even start to form a rough idea of what the message of the number may mean in your head. Once you have this place to start, you can then do the work needed to decipher the message.

That can start by reading guides like this one, and then you can follow this up with some quiet time and soul searching.

It’s easier than it may seem, and it’s exciting because you never know when your next angel number may appear.

My Final Comments on 1144 Angel Number

Whatever you do, please see the message of angel number 1144 for what it is: a positive sign for you and your life.

This message has been put in your path so that you can make the most of your life.

They have seen that you can make so much more of your life and that there is room for improvement.

That doesn’t mean that you have been doing a bad job or doing anything wrong, but just that you could do more to make your life healthier and happier.

If you take it in the right spirit, then you will be so happy that you followed through on this message for your life!

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