
124 Angel Number And Its Meaning

This powerful number signals big changes for you!

When you have a physical injury or an ailment, you need to take the proper care to help it heal as quickly as possible.

Everyone would agree to this, but not everyone acknowledges that the same is true for emotional pain.

When you go through something very difficult and painful, there are steps you need to take for optimal healing as well.

If you have seen angel number 124, then your angels feel you need to undergo a healing journey.

They have seen that scars from your past are holding you back, and they want you to let go of this and move forward to brighter days.

I will show you how you can truly make the most of this gift in this article!

Your Angels Are Sending You A Message With 124

There’s a common thought that people use when they feel like they’re dwelling on their problems too much. They will say something like:

“I shouldn’t complain too much, because this other person has it way worse!”

Now, I’m not saying this is a wholly bad thing, as sometimes we can stand to remember that other people are suffering a lot. It can also be a way to put our problems into perspective.

However, I think it can be taken too far, as your problems and worries are valid and important to you. Maybe a stressful work assignment isn’t as dire as a serious illness, but it’s still a big deal.

I had a friend that was experiencing a bout of depression recently, and she said to me that she wasn’t going to talk about it because it wasn’t as serious as other things happening around her.

This was sad for me to hear, because I felt like she deserved to talk and be heard in her struggles. Not long after, she saw angel number 124, and it was a real confirmation of what I felt.

The feeling I got from this number was that it’s okay for you to dwell on how you feel. I told her this, and she felt more comfortable admitting that her depression was important to address.

If you have seen this number yourself, then your angels have seen that you are not prioritizing your struggles.

Your feelings are valid, and it doesn’t matter if they’re ‘not as serious’ as some other problems others have.

You need to take the time needed to heal, and you need to feel okay about the emotions that you are experiencing.

If you focus on your emotional needs and healing, your angels will aid in this journey.

The journey you take for your healing will depend on your own life and your own issues, but your angels are saying it’s okay to work on these issues.

It doesn’t make you selfish, arrogant or thoughtless to take some time to focus on yourself. The things you need to heal from could have happened today or they could be something that happened years ago.

It doesn’t really matter, but what does matter is that you allow yourself the space, time and support to do any healing that you need in your life.

There are some things to avoid when it comes to this number as well, and I will cover that next.

Never Do This If You Keep Seeing 124

In this guide, I have spoken about how you can be too hard on yourself, and that is something I would like to expand on here.

This is one of the most common things I hear when consulting with people.

Many of us have grown up with the idea that you shouldn’t complain too much and accept things for what they are. Is this necessarily a bad thing?

No, to an extent this can be a good attitude to have. You should be mindful of others and their struggles, but also balance this by accepting that the things that happen to you are not always your fault.

When looking at things that are wrong in life, I like to separate them into the things we do have control over and the things that we don’t.

If something is completely out of your control, then why panic and fret over it? If you DO have control over the situation, then you can work on small steps that can be taken to work on it.

If you see angel number 124, you should avoid dismissing things by saying that they are what they are. It is a sign that you should take stock of the things in your life that need work.

Remember that a big part of this is getting in touch with your healing journey. If you have not been allowing yourself to take the time to heal, then those wounds will be fresh for longer.

When you have a break-up or a tragic loss, these can last with you for years if you let them. I have seen this so many times, as people assume that if it has been years after the fact then they should be over it.

However, it still lingers over their lives, even if they don’t realize it. Then, it can affect relationships and situations that you find yourself in.

I know someone that hadn’t fully recovered from a break-up and ignored it. He met a wonderful girl who was perfect for him, but she ended up leaving the situation because she could tell he had unfinished business.

This can happen a lot where you find yourself limited by your past, so only you can be responsible for making sure that doesn’t happen to you.

124 is a reminder of this, and if you see it then you know you have some work to do.

The Hidden Meaning Behind 124 Angel Number

Some people are considered the supporting beam of their friend or family group. They are the people that others will go to with their problems, concerns and pain.

If you have seen angel number 124, then you may very well be that support beam for the people around you.

This number also carries an important lesson that sometimes you have to set boundaries.

This brings to mind a story from my past, this would have been about 10 years ago or so. For a bit of context, I pride myself on being there for the people I care about whenever they need.

Whether it’s for some psychic advice or just plain old friendly advice, I am there rain or shine to offer help, and most of the time I am happy to do so.

Sometimes, you do need to set a boundary, as I had to 10 years ago. I was having one of those weeks.

You know the kind, where the weight of the world is on your shoulders and nothing goes right. I was feeling down, dealing with a relationship problem and even a bad toothache to boot.

I had a friend who was, bless her, incredibly negative. Pretty much every time we would talk, she would bombard me with negativity and woe, and even in my best times it was hard to stay positive.

She was really hammering me with this negativity this week, and I just couldn’t deal with it. I felt like I had to though, as it’s mean to turn away someone in need, right?

My angels sent me a lovely message, and they let me know that for this week I needed to focus on myself.

I kindly told my friend that I didn’t have the emotional bandwidth to deal with others’ problems as I had plenty of my own.

She hadn’t realized how much she had been dumping on me, and she actually helped to comfort me. Sometimes people forget that just because you’re a pillar, doesn’t mean your life is perfect.

If you need to remind them or take some space, then you have every right to do just that.

Angel number 124 is often a sign to take care of and put yourself first for a little while, and there is nothing wrong with that.

My Final Comments on 124 Angel Number

Angel number 124 is a sign from your angels to focus on yourself a bit more. Whether this is in terms of healing or advocating for yourself, you have every right to focus on your wellbeing.

It is of course good to focus on others sometimes, but you also need to take care of yourself. This angel number also carries a blessing of help from your angels that will aid your healing journey.

You can follow the light of their guidance to make things easier to deal with for yourself. Every now and then, check in with yourself as you would with any of your friends or family.

You may find that you need help too from time to time.

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