
16 Angel Number And Its Meaning

Find out why this number will be so significant…

Have you ever heard someone say something like:

Oh, I’m just not creative!

Perhaps those words have come out of your own mouth at some stage or another. Some people look at creativity and expression as something for people with special talent only.

However, I believe that expression can come in many forms, and it is enriching for the soul. Creativity can come in many different forms, some of which you may never expect!

Angel number 16 is a message from your angels to explore your creativity and passion in life, as great things can happen if you do so.

I can’t wait to share the lessons of this number that I have picked up over the years.

Your Angels Are Sending You A Message With 16

What would you classify as art? For many people, they will immediately think of the Mona Lisa or perhaps Starry Night.

These are both masterpieces by master artists, but to think of art as just paintings and sculptures is not really accurate. The thing about art is that you can have your own definition of it, and it is valid.

Some people debate whether comic books or video games are art, and neither argument is wrong.

What I mean is that you could say what it means to you, and it will be valid because art is all about making you feel something.

There’s a reason I bring this up, as it ties to creativity. In the intro, I mentioned how someone will say that they’re not creative.

They may think this because they can’t draw or paint or arrange flower bouquets. But creativity comes in many forms, and it is so closely associated with passion.

Angel number 16 is all about igniting that passion in your heart. You could be passionate about math, for example.

It may be easy to say that you can’t get creative with math as it’s either right or wrong.

However, thoughts like that would have prevented Albert Einstein or Oppenheimer from using math for amazing things.

You could be creative with problem solving, engineering, even with packing items. This is a wide range of examples, but the point is that there are many things you could be creative with.

Maybe your child asks you to tell them a story and you come up with an entertaining tale on the spot. That is just as creative as someone creating a painting or sculpture, just in a different way.

Whatever your passion is, angel number 16 ignites a fire of inspiration and guidance in you. Your angels want you to find what you’re passionate about and go for it.

You could even rediscover an old passion from your past. Whatever it could be, now is the time to work on it and discover new things about yourself and your creativity.

Just remember not to limit your definition of creativity, as you may have something you’re creative with every day but it’s just never occurred to you.

What NOT To Do If You Keep Seeing 16

When you say something like the phrase I used before:

I’m just not creative!

You are setting a limit for yourself. You have decided that you can’t do something, and that will make it so that you can’t

I had a friend who loved the guitar and would have loved to play, but she wasn’t musical. At least, those were her words.

After much encouragement, she decided to try with some lessons. It took years for her to learn and sure, she may not be the next Jimi Hendrix, but she grew to be quite a skilled player.

This was because she changed her mindset and set her mind to the task of learning. I also had a cousin who was one of those people who was the life of the party.

He could always hold everyone’s attention with a funny story and had such a way with words. I always looked up to him as a confident, extroverted person.

For my sister’s wedding, she asked him to give a funny speech at the wedding, and we were surprised to find out that he was too shy to do so.

He didn’t think he would be able to perform the task, and it took much convincing to get him to do it. Of course, he did an amazing job!

The thing these had in common was that the mindset was the issue. Both people told themselves that they could not do it, and if they were not convinced otherwise then it would have been true.

You should never limit yourself this way, especially when angel number 16 is in your life. Tell yourself that you can do it, and you may end up surprising yourself.

Sure, there will be some things you can’t do, but you will gain an experience or a fun story from this attempt. Don’t be negative toward yourself, as you are limiting yourself for no reason.

This is good to remember during the blessing of 16, but try to remember it at all times. Your angels want you to believe in yourself and to find what you like to be creative about.

Don’t say that you’re not creative, as I genuinely believe that every person has the potential for creativity. You just need to discover what that would be for you, and then work toward it.

This is an exciting journey where you may discover things about yourself that you haven’t known but your angels did! Think of the things that would nourish your soul and then go for it.

There may be obstacles and challenges, but don’t let your mindset be one of them.

Where To Look For Your Numbers

It would be lovely to be able to tell you all of the places you would be guaranteed to find your angel numbers in the future. Sadly, it’s not as cut and dried as all that.

You can find your angel numbers anywhere, as your angels will use any means necessary to get your numbers to you. When you saw angel number 16, what kinds of places did you see them?

Bob may have seen his numbers on a note on his fridge, on the display at a gas station and then on his watch. Mary might have seen hers on an airport display, on a calculator and on a bag of coffee.

There are so many places, and they could be different each time. However, it’s not unheard of for numbers to appear in the same place more than once.

I have known of several people who saw their angel numbers on their alarm clocks several times. This is because it is something that everyone who owns one will be likely to look at.

That’s the real key, that your angels will choose places that you would be likely to find them. Your angels won’t think:

Oh goodness, we already used the alarm clock, where else could we put them?

The goal is for you to see your numbers, so they will make it as easy as possible. The power of your angels will be radiating from the number in question as well.

This will make it a bit easier for you to find them, as you will feel this power drawing you. The rest is on you, however!

You can’t expect your angels to do everything for you. They have already placed the numbers in places you will be able to encounter them as well as place power behind them.

You need to make sure that you don’t ignore these feelings when they appear, as many may brush them off. Hopefully you won’t do that, as you now know what to look out for.

As long as you open your heart and spirit to the possibility, then you will be able to detect them when they appear. Don’t try to anticipate them or expect them.

Rather live your life as you have been and then take note whenever they do appear, no matter when it may be or how long the interval between numbers is.

My Final Comments on 16 Angel Number

I love numbers like angel number 16, as they relate to some of the things I am most passionate about.

I am a huge advocate for creative expression and identity, and it’s great to see people pursuing it.

If this number inspires you to do so, then that would be an amazing thing! Remember to not limit yourself and to keep a positive mindset about your capabilities.

If you have the ability to try something, then do so. Again, even if it doesn’t work out, it won’t be for nothing. This could be the beginning of an amazing creative journey for you!

Who knows what kinds of incredible things you could work on if you believe in yourself?

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