
1004 Angel Number And Its Meaning

Decipher the meaning of your angel’s message for you…

Sometimes, we need to go through difficult things in life. It could be something very simple yet irritating or something that can impact your entire life.

No matter what it is that you need to go through, we all need help from time to time when the going gets rough.

Angel number 1004 is a sign from your angels that you may be going through a trial soon.

What it could be will depend on your situation, but this isn’t just a warning. Your angels also want to help you get through this with guidance and a blessing of strength.

This should be a reassuring number, so I will show you why you should be glad to see it, not worried!

Is 1004 Angel Number Unlucky?

Some may look at a warning about something difficult coming in life as something unlucky. However, this is a way of looking at it that comes from unrealistic expectations.

A sad fact of life is that nobody’s life is perfect all of the time. Everybody goes through trials in their lives, and they are usually quite frequent.

In fact, I would wager that the average person has to deal with at least one problem a day, and possibly more than that.

It could be something small like realizing you’re out of trash bags the day before collection.

Or, it could be a major problem like being hit with an unexpected medical expense, leaving you unable to pay your rent.

The point is that sooner or later, we will have to deal with problems and setbacks.

Let’s say you’re on your way home from a long day’s work where you just want to relax. Unbeknownst to you, your partner’s high energy in-laws are visiting.

Would you prefer to open your door to be surprised to find them there? That would put you on the spot and maybe make it more difficult to handle.

Alternatively, if your partner were to message you and tell you that their family members are there, you can prepare. We don’t often have the privilege of being forewarned and forearmed.

However, when we do have this warning, it makes things much easier to deal with. If you have seen angel number 1004, you can know that your angels are saying that something is coming your way.

It’s something that they will be helping you with as they offer their guidance and blessings of strength.

You may think that your angels are bringing bad luck to your life and that this is something to be upset about.

I prefer to look at it as getting warning for something that would have happened anyway. Your angels are not causing this thing to happen to you, they have seen it coming and want to help you.

So, try not to look at it as something unlucky being cast upon you. Instead, look at it as being prepared for the challenges that life will be throwing you.

If you look at this in the right way, then you can even turn it into something very positive for your life. The first step is looking at it as an opportunity instead of a problem or a curse on your life.

What NOT To Do If You Keep Seeing 1004

Panic and overthinking are two things that someone may experience when seeing a number like 1004.

As I mentioned before, your attitude toward this shouldn’t be one that is negative, as it can actually end up being positive!

The best thing about the warning in this number is that your angels are telling you about something that you will be able to overcome.

They’re not telling you about some life-changing disaster that will change life as you know it.

Instead, they’re basically saying that there is a challenge coming, but that you have it within you to make it through. In fact, it’s even better than that!

They’re saying that there is something coming your way, but that you’re not facing it alone. Your angels don’t want you suffering in life, and they will try to help you whenever they can.

The thing that could be coming your way could be pretty much anything. It could be an altercation with a loved one or maybe a trying project at work.

Whatever it is, you will need the things that make any problem easier to deal with. These would be courage, knowledge, calm and conviction.

Your angels will be blessing you with the characteristics that you need to get through any situation that you’re in. Of course, this will require some input from you as well.

You will need to be open to the guidance of your angels and listen to them when they direct you.

They will use your feelings and intuitions to get you to make (or avoid) decisions that won’t make things better.

You should find yourself feeling a bit calmer about things that would ordinarily bring you stress and worry. This will be no accident, as your angels grant calm and serenity over your life.

They have also seen a path forward for you that will guide you through the situation you find yourself in. That’s why I suggest that you don’t worry too much, as it will be something you can handle.

You can handle more than you may think sometimes, and this is especially true when you have your angel’s blessing behind you. Part of this is taking this in the right mindset and staying positive about things.

If you cloud your judgment with panic and fear, then it will overcome you and prevent you from following your angel’s divine guidance.

Now that you know this, I hope you will have peace about the trial coming your way.

Where To Look For Your Numbers

Every single day, we are sure to see lots and lots of numbers. You may not really think about it, but even if you were actively avoiding them, you will see at least a few numbers in your day to life.

You’ll see them in TV shows, video games, books and pretty much any activity you take on. So, that must mean that finding your angel numbers would be like finding a needle in a haystack.


Your angel numbers will be a sequence usually between 1 and 6 or so digits that you can find pretty much anywhere that numbers can appear.

Something that surprises some people is that the numbers can appear in larger numbers.

What I mean is that you could see angel number 1004 in a larger number, such as a phone number. Even when that happens, it won’t be hard to see them.

Angel numbers have a sort of spiritual magnetism to them that will attract your attention and your energy.

So even though the digits of 1004 may be a part of something larger, they will seem significant to you.

This feeling is what you need to look out for, as your angels will put some power behind the angel numbers they have intended for you. It’s more important to know this feeling than knowing where to look.

Because we see numbers everywhere, this means that the potential locations of your angel numbers can be pretty much infinite. Your angels will often place your numbers in your home.

This makes it easier and increases the chances that you will encounter the numbers, but they could appear anywhere else. Seeing them at work can be another common occurrence.

However, I have seen some people find their angel numbers somewhere odd like a bowling alley. No matter where it may be, try not to ignore the feeling you get when you look at the numbers.

It’s hard to describe the feeling, as it will be unique for each person, but you will know it when you feel it as long as you’re open to it.

The important thing to remember here is that your angels want you to find them, so it won’t be a huge challenge as long as you have the right mindset and open yourself up to it.

My Final Comments on 1004 Angel Number

Having the right attitude is so important when it comes to something like angel number 1004.

There may be something tricky coming your way, but your angels don’t want you to be in the deep end alone.

They want to help you and guide you to make this challenge as easy as it can be for you to get through. If you accept this help and follow their guidance then you will get through it.

Once you do, you will be stronger for getting through it, and you could find that life will improve for you, as you will know that you are stronger than you thought you were.


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