
1109 Angel Number And Its Meaning

This powerful number signals big changes for you!

I often like to speak about how we should help others and be kind, and I always advocate for this behavior. However, there are times in life where we need to look after ourselves primarily.

If you have received angel number 1109, your angels feel this as well. Your angels want you to bring the focus to yourself and to work on your personal development for a while.

This doesn’t mean that you should totally neglect others, but that you may need to focus on your own self a bit more. It may sound confusing, but don’t worry!

I am here to explain it all and show you how you can make the most of this blessing.

Is 1109 A Sign Of Good Luck?

Let’s face it, life is really difficult for everyone. There is a lot needed of us to just survive, let alone thrive, in this modern world.

People are struggling to find work and enough money to let them and their families thrive, and it can feel a bit hopeless sometimes.

Because of this, we all hope for some kind of lucky break that will make things easier.

This lucky break would supposedly help someone get back on their feet or back to their peak, and so it’s natural that someone would hope their angel number is a lucky one.

I don’t blame anyone for thinking this, but I do think that seeing an angel number as a lucky (or an unlucky) omen is a bit of a mistake.

Take angel number 1109 for example, as this is a number that I would say is completely positive in its effects. However, I would hesitate to call it lucky, as it’s not a guarantee of success.

Sometimes, angel numbers can precede positive effects in your life, but it’s always contingent on your own effort and attitude.

Your angels may be offering a boost or some help, but it still depends on you in the end.

Angel number 1109 is more about boosting your lifestyle and making a new phase for yourself where you look after your own ambitions and happiness, at least for a while.

Your angels will be helping you and guiding you, but they won’t do everything for you.

If you look at it as a lucky charm instead of a spiritual boost, then you may just sit back and expect your angels to do everything for you.

I do think that you should look at this as a positive though. Your angels may not be doing everything for you, but they will be helping you in this new phase of your life.

This could be an amazing new start for you, as long as you have the right attitude and follow your angel’s guidance and blessings.

As long as you do these things, then it may actually feel like 1109 is a lucky blessing!

Whatever happens as a result of this blessing, you can remember and be proud of the fact that you are the one who made it happen and that you achieved anything that happens.

You have a part in this, which is why luck has nothing to do with it.

Your Angels Are Sending You A Message With 1109

If you’re like me, you feel a little bit self-conscious when there is too much focus on yourself. It’s why I love planning other people’s birthday parties but never my own.

I’m not trying to say I’m super altruistic or anything, I can just feel a bit embarrassed when the focus is totally on me.

Treating myself is also something I have had to learn to do over the years, as it never came naturally to me.

Sometimes, it’s okay to have the focus be on yourself and to let good things happen for you. When your angels send you angel number 1109, they want you to let the focus be on you for a while.

It’s time for a new era in your life where you focus on yourself, and this can apply to many different walks of life. It can be really easy to lose yourself in a certain situation in life.

For example, many people feel that they lose themselves in relationships or in parenthood. This can happen because your focus is almost entirely on the wellbeing of someone else.

Some folks can also devote themselves completely to their work or career, and they can neglect their own personal well being. I’m sure we can all relate to this feeling in one way or another.

When I say to bring the focus to yourself, that doesn’t mean to be selfish or to put yourself above others in all circumstances, but it means that you can prioritize yourself sometimes.

We need to focus on our own happiness and spiritual energy, as these aspects affect many different avenues of life.

In fact, caring for yourself can even impact those around you! If you’re responsible for other people, then the atmosphere and feeling of the relationship can depend on your mental and emotional state.

I’ll go over some of the specifics of how you can maximize this blessing later.

For now, you can be sure that your angels want the focus on you and your spiritual health and energy. This can manifest in a few different ways, but again I will cover that in the final section.

Your angels always want your happiness and health, mentally physically and spiritually. How you achieve these things will depend on you, but your angels are here to help you with a blessing.

Keep Seeing 1109? Read This Carefully…

Now that you have seen angel number 1109 around you and have a better understanding of what it actually means for you, you may be wondering what you should do next.

I would suggest starting by looking at your life and seeing where you may have lost yourself a little bit.

There can be times in life where we neglect our own well being and progress in service of something else.

I gave a few examples before, but it could be any number of things. Now, this is not always a bad thing, as your focus should be on other things sometimes.

When you become a parent, your priorities do shift to your child and its well being in its formative years. This will not end anytime soon, but you can still find time for yourself and your own growth.

If you have devoted yourself to others for a long time, then your angels could be sending you this number to bring the focus to you for just a while.

They want you to remember that your happiness matters and that it’s okay to treat yourself. You may be saying something like:

“But Edel, I don’t have time or money to focus on myself!”

I would answer this by saying that you don’t need an abundance of either of these to do what your angels have seen for you. For example, you could start a new hobby.

When I was younger, I used to love reading any chance I got. When I entered the workforce and became super busy, I found that I never made time for this hobby anymore.

However, I made a concerted effort to reconnect with this hobby I used to love. Even by making just a little time before bed each night, I was able to reignite my love for books and reading.

You could do the same for any hobby that doesn’t require tons of money or time to get going. It could be crafting, video games, movies or anything at all.

Maybe you used to like walking and hiking but lost the time to do it. These are just a few examples, but you can see that these are all things you can devote a bit of time to.

Don’t be afraid to make a little time for yourself and take back some of your own happiness. It is, after all, what your angels want for you.

My Final Comments on 1109 Angel Number

Angel number 1109 is a wonderful message to receive in your life, as it gives you the go-ahead to take back your happiness and purpose in life.

Perhaps you have devoted yourself to the care and happiness of others for a long time. This is a noble pursuit that you should be proud of, but now it’s time for you to take care of yourself.

You can start small by starting smaller hobbies and other activities that you used to love and make time for. If you can do bigger gestures of self-care, then that is great to do as well!

Your angels want you to be happier in your life, and they want to help you to start caring for and treating yourself as you deserve.

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