
918 Angel Number And Its Meaning

This number is the start of a new chapter in life!

Whether it’s a work project or an unpleasant task you need to perform, they say that starting is the hardest part. This is certainly true, but close behind is knowing when to finish something.

Angel number 918 is a sign from your angels that tells you that you need to follow through on things that you have started in your life. What these things could be will range a lot from person to person.

However, it’s important for your personal and spiritual growth that you see things through to their conclusion in order to grow and achieve all that you can in your life.

If any of this isn’t making sense yet, then don’t worry, as I have a lot to share with you about this special message.

Your Angels Are Sending You A Message With 918

I took a painting class once, so that I could indulge in my great love of art. During this class, my instructor gave me many pieces of advice that I could apply to art and even life itself.

One thing he said is that so many artists don’t know when to put down their brushes and call it a day. There is always one more stroke that can be applied or one more color that can be added.

He said that if you don’t know when to call it a day, then you could spend your whole life on this one painting.

I remember watching a movie once where a playwright spends his life working on the perfect play.

He reaches the end of his days with the play unfinished, because he was searching for some ideal of perfection. Angel number 918 is a sign from your angels that you need to put down the brush.

The last person I spoke to that had seen this number was a lovely person in his mid twenties. He had been through a traumatic break-up, and even though he had been hurt badly, he kept in contact with her.

Long after she had moved on, he would message her from time to time and get unintentionally hurt by mundane things she would say. His friends and family advised her to just block her and move on.

He was unable to do so though, and so he remained in a limbo state of dealing with the pain of the break-up.

Once he saw this number, he knew that it was time to move on, and he severed his ties from that situation.

Only then could he fully move on with his life, even though it was not an easy thing to do. He had to know when to put down the brush and file away that portrait of a time in his life.

You will likely know what it is in your life that has been left undone or even unsaid, and only you can know how to complete this process that your angels have made you aware of.

Your angels see that this thing is holding you back and that you can’t achieve your full potential if you don’t take care of it. I will also cover some other ways that you can tackle this issue later on.

For now, let’s take a look at some of the things that you should avoid when you see this number.

Never Do This If You Keep Seeing 918

Some may look at the idea of knowing when to finish off something or when to stop as ‘knowing when to give up.’ Now, I don’t think that giving up is always a bad thing.

Sometimes we do need to give up on things that are not feasible, but it should always be a last resort. We should try everything we can before we resort to giving up.

918 isn’t about giving up as much as it is about knowing when to draw something to a close. It’s often tied to procrastinating, when there is something you know deep down should be done.

However, you shouldn’t see this as an excuse to just avoid something unpleasant that you need to do.

For example, maybe you had a big fight with a friend or a family member and said some things you regret.

Since then, it would probably impact your relationship and make things awkward between you. You would need to have a difficult talk with the person in order to make amends and apologize.

Some could misconstrue the meaning of 918 to be permission to give up on fixing the situation and just drop it. They could use it to dismiss the situation as a lost cause.

However, if anything, this number is the opposite of that. This number could be a message from your angels telling you to stop dragging your feet and fix this situation you find yourself in.

It is time to swallow your pride and apologize to the person. Or, it could be time to swallow your pride and accept an apology from someone.

These are just examples, but there is likely a situation in your life that you are not dealing with. I think that most people have situations like that hanging over their heads at most times in their lives.

If so, then it’s time to set yourself free from this looming shadow over your life. Taking that first step is certainly a hard part of the process, but placing that final period and closing the book is also difficult.

Both of these things need to be done if you are to follow the path that your angels have seen for your life. They will also be shining wisdom and strength on your life to make things easier for you.

But I have more to say about that, so I will focus on that aspect in the final section of the guide.

The Hidden Meaning Behind 918 Angel Number

In the previous section, I spoke about how your angels will try to help you through this process with wisdom and strength, and it’s actually a big part of this blessing.

The message is important, but your angels are not throwing you into the deep end here. The influence of one’s angels can feel subtle at times, but it’s still strong.

The guidance of your angels can usually be described as gentle. They will try to guide you and lead you in the right direction, but they will never force you down a path you don’t choose.

Occasionally, they will see that the right thing to do is not the easy thing to do. Going back to the person I mentioned before, blocking his ex-girlfriend and moving on was not easy for him.

He had attachment to her, and even though he knew it was over, he could not let go. When he got this message and knew that it was the right thing to do, his angels helped him with their blessing.

He described this feeling of clarity and lightness in himself, as if a weight had been lifted off of him. Actually doing the task of blocking her and moving on felt easier than he would have imagined.

Sometimes we need a bit of help to get through something hard. A small bit of encouragement can go a long way, and your angels will gift you with wisdom and clarity, as well as strength.

They will do everything they can to help you get through the situation, but you need to accept and embrace this gift. Does this mean that it will magically be made easy to do?

No it won’t, there will be challenges and it will still require you to draw upon your own strength and fortitude. But, you are not alone in this task.

Your angels will be there to help you as much as they can, and hopefully you have a support system that you can rely on as well. It’s always okay to rely on others once in a while, even when you feel isolated.

Try to isolate what needs to be taken care of in your life, and then you can see what you can do about it.

My Final Comments on 918 Angel Number

It’s not always easy to close the book on things, even when the book is a horror story! Angel number 918 is telling you that it’s time to close the chapter on something in your life.

Your angels will want to help you out on this endeavor, and they will shine strength and wisdom on you to make it easier for you to deal with things.

Part of the blessing is identifying what they have seen needs to be closed off in your life, and then focusing on the steps needed to draw this situation to a close.

You can do it if you trust in yourself and in this blessing!

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