The Star Tarot Card’s True Meaning: Love, Health and Money
The Star (XVII) represents creativity, hope, and optimism. The seventeenth card of the Major Arcana urges you to reinvest yourself in your art. It also serves as a reminder to keep the faith, both in yourself and others.
wisdom and immobility
- Element: Air
- Planet: Uranus
- Astrological Sign: Aquarius
- Key dates: January 20 to February 18
Visual Elements and Symbolism
The English Rider-Waite deck represents the Star as a nude woman — reminiscent of Eve in the Garden of Eden — kneeling innocently by a pond.
Optimism in the face of overwhelming odds is often the result of inexperience. However, the woman’s confident demeanor and positive outlook can in this case be attributed to her understanding of fundamental truths:
In each hand the woman pours a jug of water. Her right jug flows into the pond, and her left onto the earth. The water poured onto the earth flows back into the river, while the jug poured into the pond is simply added to the whole. This shows the futility of fighting the inevitable, and how acceptance of our fate can simplify matters.
Pouring water onto the earth can also be interpreted as a contribution to the circle of life. There is no room for greed in nature — the earth rejects the excess water and returns it to the pond.
Above the entire scene, eight seven-pointed stars watch over the woman. The seven points represent the seven chakras, while the eight stars remind us of the Strength (the VIII Major Arcana) that’s needed to maintain a positive outlook.
The Star Card as a Person
The Star card appears to the artistically inclined. If this comes as a surprise to you or those around you, take it as a sign that this natural talent has not yet manifested itself.
Try spending some time exploring new or abandoned artistic avenues — take up an instrument, sign up for drawing lessons, or try your hand at digital art. It might take you some time to find your voice, but the world will be better off when you do.
If you are already an avid artist, it may be time to consider displaying your work in public or sharing it with your close ones. Following this passion might turn into a successful career sooner than expected.
The Star Upright
The upright Star card is a lucky pull in most readings, indicating that the choices you are now making will lead to favorable outcomes. Your positive outlook is justified, as you already know the right path to follow in your heart.
Love and Relationships
For those in a relationship, it’s time to take it to the next level. Perhaps you should move in together or even pop the question. It may also be time to take up a new hobby together — preferably something that neither of you has tried before.
If you are single, you won’t be for long. A good partner is close, though they might not be the type that you are usually attracted to. This change of pace in your love life is exactly what you need right now. Don’t be afraid to commit to a relationship.
Be open to new opportunities and ready to capitalize on them when they present themselves. This could be a promotion, a prospective client, or a job opening overseas.
If you haven’t been happy with your situation, now is a good time to start looking around for greener pastures. Consider a career in the entertainment industry, public service, or digital communications.
Now is a good time financially. Making a few small investments should pay off down the line. Overall, the Star is definitely a sign of financial luck, but not boundless good fortune. Small leaps of faith are recommended — just make sure that you’ve calculated the risks.
The Star is one of the best cards in the deck when it comes to health. If you have any minor medical concerns, a simple check-up will put your mind at ease. You should pass all your physical exams with flying colors.
The Star Reversed
When reversed, the Star indicates a generally pessimistic outlook. It might feel like the deck is stacked against you, or that close friends are ready to stab you in the back.
It’s normal to feel disappointed in yourself and others from time to time, but lingering in this state will cause you to fall behind in life.
Love and Relationships
If you’re in a relationship, you might be going through a rough patch. You feel a growing distance between you and your partner — maybe even boredom and disillusionment. If you want to stick together, the two of you will need to revisit old and unresolved arguments. Tackling these issues once and for all is the only way to move forward.
For those who are single, the Star indicates that you are very lonely and tired of investing yourself in bad relationships. You may even be ready to give up on love entirely, but this will not help you in the long run. Don’t lose hope, love will come to you when you expect it least.
You’re feeling unfulfilled at work. You might have once loved your job, but it no longer satisfies your ambitions. Conversely, your job might be a perfect fit for you, but your negative outlook makes the days feel like weeks.
Reevaluate your situation and try to approach your job from a different angle. You might rediscover the spark that brought you there in the first place or decide that it’s time to move on.
Financially, the reversed Star is a call to reexamine your budget. You likely feel as though you are constantly scraping by, but you have more money than you realize. Look into your finances and you will soon find ways to reach your goals.
Your health is relatively good for the moment, but pessimism blinds you to this fact. Healthy lifestyle choices start by adopting the right mindset. For starters, you should go see a doctor and get a check-up to quell any concerns you might have.
Your Past, Present and Future
In the past position, the Star card represents a very optimistic choice you made some time ago. Your current situation is the result of this unbridled optimism. Perhaps you quit your job to pursue your artistic endeavors, and are now living comfortably off of your passion. Conversely, leaving your comfortable job may have resulted in financial ruin. Either way, the Star in the past position is a sign that you need to move forward and challenge yourself anew.
In the present position, the Star means that you are about to make a major life decision. You may be overly trusting or unknowingly making risky moves. Speak with a close friend or relative for advice. You likely feel idealistic and ready to follow your dreams. This motivation can be the push that you need to make your aspirations a reality. Overall, the Star card in the present position calls on you to seek advice, but also to believe in yourself.
In the future position, the Star indicates that you are at a relative low point in your journey. Light is on the horizon — you simply need to stay positive. Luck is on your side, and making bold moves now will pay off later. The future is bright, your day is soon to come.
Important Card Combinations
When paired with other cards, the optimism of the Star is the characteristic that predominantly shines through. Having a positive outlook can often make all the difference in times of hardship. However, being overly optimistic can lead to taking on too much responsibility, making extremely risky deals, and being overly trusting of others.
Pairings often denote the outcome of the Star’s optimistic outlook. Will it be rewarded or penalized?
Star and Ace of Pentacles
Alone, the Ace of Pentacles represents new business opportunities and prosperity. When paired with the Star’s optimistic outcome, the results are skewed towards financial success.
A financial opportunity will present itself. Take it and you won’t need to worry about money or your career for the foreseeable future.
Star and Hermit
The Hermit denotes solitude. Perhaps you were recently dumped, or you have moved to a new town where you don’t know anyone. The Hermit can also mean that you are feeling disconnected from those around you.
When paired the creativity of the Star, this may mean that it is difficult for you to open up to those around you. There may be no one to share your optimism with, or maybe it’s that no one has yet come to appreciate your creative work. This can be difficult, but it doesn’t mean that your outlook is wrong — it simply means that those around you are overly pessimistic or short sighted.
Star and Lovers
The Lovers card refers to pairing up with another person, typically in a romantic partnership. It also indicates a trial or difficult choice, such as the need to leave a failing relationship for a new one.
While the general good outlook of the Star card might seem like a positive pairing with Lovers, this is not the case. The duo indicates that you are being overly optimistic about a relationship. While a new partner may be exciting, it’s important to understand the type of person that you are pairing up with. Overlooking their faults is unfair, both to you and to them.
Star and Chariot
As the VII Major Arcana card, the Chariot is closely tied to the Star (the XVII Major Arcana). On its own the Chariot invokes control and success through hard work and perseverance. When paired with the Star, the combination signifies great success as a result of your optimistic outlook.
The Star: Yes or No?
The Star is typically interpreted as a yes, however what you desire might come to you in unexpected ways. Your mind is in the right place and you should listen to your intuition. It will ultimately lead you to where you want to be.
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the Star card mean in a love reading?
The Star upright is a sign that it’s time to take things to the next level. Perhaps you should move in together or even pop the question.
What is the reversed Star’s meaning?
When reversed, the Star indicates a generally pessimistic outlook. It might feel like the deck is stacked against you, or that close friends are ready to stab you in the back.
What does the Star mean in a future reading?
In the future position, the Star indicates that you are at a relative low point in your journey. Light is on the horizon — you simply need to stay positive.
Is the Star a yes or no card?
The Star is typically interpreted as a yes, however what you desire might come to you in unexpected ways.