
The Queen of Swords Tarot Card’s True Meaning: Love, Health and Money

queen of swords rider-waite

rational and fair

The Queen of Swords Tarot Card’s True Meaning: Love, Health and Money

Minor Arcana in the Suit of Swords, the Queen of Swords is a pillar of rational thought, independence, and intelligence. She represents personal development and the road towards a mastery of emotions and impartiality.

  • Element: Air
  • Planet: Uranus
  • Astrological sign: Libra
  • Key dates: September 12 to October 12

Visual Elements and Symbolism

The Queen of Swords sits atop an ornate grey throne, draped in a robe patterned with clouds. She stares directly forward, symbolizing sturdiness and dependability. Above her head, a bird flies in the distance, illustrating her ability to view the totality of any given situation, as if perceiving the world’s issues from a bird’s-eye view.

In her right hand, she holds a long sword pointed towards the sky, representing her firm, fair judgement. Her left hand extends forward, illustrating both benevolence and her ability to clearly impart the truth onto others.

She gazes contemplatively forward as if deep in thought. Upon her head rests a crown made of butterflies, symbolizing clarity of the mind. Her throne is high up in the clouds, granting her a view on all that lies below her.

The Queen of Swords Card as a Person

The Queen of Swords is intuitively wise and a naturally quick thinker. She represents someone whose ability to reason clearly dominates their emotional state.

Those that draw the Queen of Swords in a spread have a clarity of mind that impacts all aspects of their everyday life. Their ability to lucidly perceive situations and see past emotional curtains imparts upon them a rational worldview dominated by logical thought.

queen of swords illustration
Queen of Swords — Rita Usacheva


The Queen of Swords Upright: Positive Meanings

The Queen of Swords indicates that your thoughts and how you manage them will play an important role in the future. An upcoming situation may require you to consciously hold back on your emotional response.

Although this will be an exercise in control on your part, the outcome will be better because of it.

Love and Relationships

If you are in a relationship, it is undoubtedly a mature one, dictated by clear communication and held together by harmonized action.

This coordination with your partner leads to a positive symbiosis, an unspoken understanding of one another that is dominated by intelligent, objective decisions. This organization is mainly the fruit of the Queen of Swords clear-mindedness. It yields prosperous results for the both of you and inevitably strengthens your mutual bond.

If you’re not in a relationship you may be confident about your current status, as you are very independent. You do not see the necessity to rush into a relationship if there are no clear benefits — for you or for your potential new partner.

However, if you desire to be in a relationship, you also know exactly what you’re looking for. This involves introspection, the ability to know one’s true self. Wise and thorough, the Queen of Swords knows exactly who they will be compatible with, and is honest with both others and themselves when meeting potential new partners.


The Queen of Swords’ ability to see the whole picture and instinctively understand the road to success will give you the drive to lead. Whether you are in a management position or not, your wisdom helps those around you succeed.

Your ability to coordinate with others is highly valued in the workplace as you strive to find the simplest, most logical paths to success. The Queen of Swords indicates that you’re very dedicated to your career and you invest yourself fully in its success.

Your dedication, infallible logic, and clarity in the face of dire situations and times of great stress may lead to a raise or a promotion.


Nothing gets past the Queen of Swords, and your finances benefit from this. When choosing how to invest your money, you are able to determine the wisest option, even if this is the path of inaction.

While money can be an area of stress for many, you manage it with objectivity, basing your decisions on the facts rather than your emotional state.

Your financial decisions are, above all, based on calculated logic. This means you won’t jump on investment opportunities until you’ve fully evaluated their potential. Whether these opportunities are bold or conservative, you understand the odds and potential ramifications to your personal situation.


Although the Queen of Swords is revered for her stoicism, drawing this card may signify that you’re holding back some important feelings. This could be having a negative impact on your life, as you may feel like you don’t have a healthy outlet for your emotions.

The Queen of Swords may imply that you’re feeling ashamed of your emotions. You could be associating emotional displays with a loss of control. Don’t hesitate to analyse this fear and gradually explore it in a healthy way.


The Queen of Swords Reversed: Negative Meanings

While the upright Queen of Swords represents a clear mind and a logical outlook on life, when reversed she may indicate that your thoughts are currently muddled by a significant change in your life.

Love and Relationships

If you are currently in a relationship, drawing the Queen of Swords could indicate that you’re being overly critical of your partner. You know exactly what you want, and you may be trying to mold them to this perfect, fictive picture. Try taking some time to appreciate the ways in which they positively defy your expectations.

If you are currently single, this might not be the best time to jump into a new relationship. You may be expecting too much of potential partners and new people entering your life. This doesn’t mean that dropping your high standards is the answer. Instead, try identifying which of these thoughts are logical, and which ones are overly critical.


The reversed Queen of Swords represents a failure to communicate your typically logical ideas to others in your field. A recent failure may have you feeling angry, and you may not understand why a seemingly infallible proposal or idea didn’t work out.

Make sure you’re not taking your frustration out on your colleagues or blaming them for a strategy or deal that didn’t pan out.

A reversed Queen of Swords could indicate that you aren’t communicating your ideas properly, so try evaluating your personal performance before blaming your colleagues, boss, or workplace environment.


You shouldn’t be making important financial decisions right now. Your typically good judgement and wisdom are currently impaired and you may not be able to see the whole picture. Be wary of any overconfident feelings you may have.

Even if you think you’re seeing everything, be aware that a small but important detail may be slipping below your keen radar.

The reversed Queen of Swords suggests that you’re feeling overly emotional, which could be hindering a business deal. People may be trying to push you in a certain direction right now, and you could easily be taken advantage of. Take a step back from those who might be doing this, especially if they’re coaxing you to make an important financial decision.


You need to be particularly aware of your mental state. You’re most likely experiencing difficulties achieving your typical clarity of mind, and may feel easily distracted.

The reversed Queen of Swords also suggests that you’re disregarding your mental health. You may be negating or suppressing your feelings, which will result in involuntary emotional outbursts.

queen of swords
Queen of Swords — Elena Lombardi


Your Past, Present, and Future

The Queen of Swords in the past position suggests that a past event has greatly influenced your personal or professional life. This doesn’t point exclusively to your upbringing, although someone’s choice during this time may have had a lasting impact. Whether this is the recent past or not, the Queen of Swords in this position represents an important, thoroughly considered decision.

In the present, the Queen of Swords typically represents your ability to make confident decisions based on the information you have at the time. Your strategy and independence are shining through right now, impacting how you face the issues you’re currently experiencing. However, be careful that aren’t overextending your wisdom, as doing so may be perceived by others as controlling, meddling, or overconfident.

The Queen of Swords in the future position suggests that you will confidently approach a key event in your immediate future. Trust yourself to make the wisest choices and restrain yourself from taking any knee-jerk, emotional decisions. Instead, inform yourself to the fullest and you’ll make the right moves.

Important Card Combinations

With her calculating, thoughtful demeanor, the Queen of Swords compliments the actions and meanings of the cards she’s paired with.

Queen of Swords and King of Swords

These two Court cards are mutually reinforcing, and together symbolize a strong control or mastery of complicated situations. The Queen of Swords’ logic and the King of Swords’ authority ensure you’ll be taken very seriously by all those who surround you.

You may experience people increasingly looking for you to make important decisions. As a result you could become highly influential in certain circles.

Queen of Swords and Knight of Wands

The combination of the Queen of Swords and the Knight of Wands symbolizes courageous decisions and actions. A powerful combination, this duo represents both the thought and the action itself, encompassing all aspects involved in decision-making.

Queen of Swords and Fool

This pairing creates a paradoxically beneficial match. On one hand, the Fool clashes with the Queen of Swords due to his whimsical, carefree nature. On the other hand, the Queen of Swords’ demeanor and calculated approach to life disagree with the Fool’s joie-de-vivre.

Unexpectedly, the combination of these two cards suggests a successful future. Despite all the Queen of Swords calculating, she cannot foresee everything, and any unexpected turn will benefit from the Fool’s improvisational skills.

Queen of Swords and Two of Pentacles

The combination of the Queen of Swords and the Two of Pentacles represents the prioritization of balanced knowledge, logic, and wise decision-making.

The Two of Pentacles keeps the Queen of Swords in line, reminding you of the importance of time management. Although the Queen of Swords’ strength is her decision-making abilities, the Two of Pentacles creates a timeframe within which she must work, assuring that important decisions will be made on time.

Queen of Swords: Yes or No Questions

Above all, the Queen of Swords is contemplative and calculating. As such there cannot be a single, defined answer. The answer is maybe. Everything depends on the situation you are currently in, and this reading implores you to examine all sides of an issue before reaching the most informed, logical decision.

Queen of Swords -- Kyndall Dyer
Queen of Swords — Kyndall Dyer
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