
The Queen of Wands Tarot Card’s True Meaning: Love, Health and Money

The Queen of Wands Tarot Card’s True Meaning: Love, Health and Money

The Queen of Wands is a symbol of confidence, ambition, and happiness. A powerful energy that focuses and uplifts often comes with this card.

  • Element: Fire
  • Planet: Mars
  • Astrological sign: Aries
  • Key dates: March 11 to April 10
queen of wands rider-waite card

confidence and ambition

Visual Elements and Symbolism

The Queen of Wands sits confidently on her throne, wearing a crown and a cape. In her right hand she holds a staff, and in her left hand she holds a sunflower.

The staff is a symbol of her strength and power, while the sunflower represents happiness, satisfaction, and passion. Her throne is decorated with carvings of lions, symbolizing confidence and assertiveness.

At her feet sits a black cat, a reminder that the Queen must recognize her dark side in order to rise above it.

The Queen of Wands Card as a Person

People who identify with the Queen of Wands are passionate and ambitious. They tend to be quite extroverted, with a radiant and friendly quality about them. At their core, Queen of Wands people are highly social creatures, with a natural tendency to spread happiness and joy.

They also have a high sense of self-worth and will not let others belittle them. They aspire to success on a professional level — and almost always attain it.

queen of wands illustration
Nicki Minaj — Kendra Wells


The Queen of Wands Upright

The upright Queen of Wands gives off positive energy. She prompts you to pursue your goals and maintain fulfilling romantic relationships.

Love and Relationships

The Queen of Wands’ strong feminine energy signifies that your relationship will undergo a period of intense passion and romance. You and your partner will feel more loved by each other than at any time before.

If you’re single, someone may be sending you subtle hints that they are interested in you. Be receptive to how certain acquaintances act around you. They might be too shy to make the first move and are counting on your boldness and sociability to come through.


You’re gearing up for a crucial period in your career. It will be challenging, but don’t worry — you will enjoy the intensity of the work and the satisfaction of having completed it. Some might say that you’re juggling with too many tasks at once, but they’re underestimating your ability to get things done.


Make sure that you’re earning what you’re worth, and be brave enough to ask for more if you’re not. You’ve been working hard and your efforts should not go unrewarded. Your finances will soon reflect this and grow accordingly.

In the meantime avoid any reckless spending, even if it’s on the people you care the most about.


Your energy levels will increase as you reach towards your goals, allowing you to attain them. The Queen of Wands also symbolizes pregnancy and fertility. If you or someone in your life is trying for a baby, this card is a good omen.


The Queen of Wands Reversed

The reversed Queen of Wands is a sign that your shadow self has taken over. Jealousy, insecurity, and selfishness are thwarting your progression in life.

Love and Relationships

You or your partner are feeling insecure and overlooked right now. One of you might be deeply involved in their career, which is causing the other to feel less important. A new friend or coworker may also be making one of you feel jealous and insecure. It’s important to address these issues out in the open — talk about your feelings before matters get worse.

If you’re single, the reversed Queen of Wands is a sign that you are suffering from low self-esteem. Now is not a good time to try and meet someone new. Focus on dealing with your insecurities before exposing your vulnerabilities to a new partner.


You are under a lot of stress at work right now and may have bitten off more than you can chew. Make sure that you are not being overly controlling and allow yourself to delegate.

Remember that your self-worth is not defined through your work alone, and that there’s no shame in passing on some assignments or asking for help.


You’ve been lusting over the lifestyles of others, which has caused you to spend beyond your means. Of course, buying more than you can afford doesn’t provide any kind of real happiness. Instead, you are feeling more stressed than ever.

Slapping together a budget or downloading a personal finance app won’t solve this — you need to tackle the root of the issue by challenging the lavish lifestyles that you admire so much. This will help you align your spending habits with your true personal values.


The reversed Queen of Wands in a health reading can signify dwindling energy levels. Perhaps you feel ashamed about a health issue. If so, try seeking out the advice and companionship of people who are dealing with the same difficulties as you.

queen of wands illustration
Queen of Wands — Elroy Lu


Your Past, Present, and Future

In the past position, this card indicates that you had a nurturing childhood and a strong maternal figure in your life. You’ve always been comfortable in social situations and have many close relationships. In general, you’ve made wise decisions guided by empathy.

In the present position, the Queen of Wands suggests that you are currently focusing on your career — perhaps at the detriment of personal relationships. Try turning to a woman whom you trust for advice on how to find a healthier work-life balance.

In the future position this card indicates that you draw much of your strength from your family, which has proven beneficial for your professional advancement. Focus on your long-term goals and visualize your professional trajectory — there are no limits to what you can accomplish.

Important Card Combinations

When combined with other cards, the Queen of Wands’ strong nature leaves a definite, lasting impression.

Queen of Wands and Eight of Swords

This combination suggests that you are surrounding yourself with people who do not fully appreciate you. Their everyday slights are impacting your sense of self-worth and ability to grow. The Eight of Swords suggests that by surrounding yourself with a new and more supportive crowd, you will be able to realize your full potential.

Queen of Wands and Knight of Cups

The Knight of Cups is a charismatic and bold personality. When combined with the Queen of Wands, it’s a sign that a lover who is on your level will soon come into your life. This person will understand you on a deep level and also be able to match your wit. Spend more time getting to know new people for the next little while.

Queen of Wands and Ten of Wands

The Ten of Wands represents a heavy burden in your life. Your hardworking nature may be coming through a little too strong right now, with you putting too much time into your work and not enough into your personal relationships. Remember that having fun is an important part of life, too.

Queen of Wands and King of Swords

A close friend — represented by the King of Swords — has suddenly become very critical of your choices. Know that their criticism is coming from a place of shame and fear, and isn’t reflective of what they actually think of you.

Let their words roll off you. Rest assured that when they are feeling better they will apologize and restore the balance of your friendship.

Queen of Wands: Yes or No?

The Queen of Wands is a vivacious and self-sufficient woman. Her passion fuels her drive and ambition. The answer to your question is yes.

queen of wands illustration
Queen of Wands — Marco Proietto
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