The Seven of Wands Tarot Card’s True Meaning: Love, Health and Money
Much like the Five of Wands, the Seven of Wands compels us to show strength and courage in personal battles. However, it focuses on defending what we already have, whereas the Five of Wands generally pertains to unfulfilled desires.
- Element: Fire
- Planet: Mars
- Astrological sign: Leo
- Key dates: August 12 to August 22

defend your position
Visual Elements and Symbolism
The Seven of Wands card shows a man holding a large wand in a defensive position. His opponents are out of frame, but their wands can be seen in the air. The man is standing on a hill and is in a forceful stance, while his adversaries occupy the lower ground. This indicates that the he is defending himself and fending off a threat.
The fact that you can’t see his rivals suggests that the threat and his need to retaliate are all in his head. In the Rider-Waite deck, the man is also wearing two different shoes — further evidence of his unsteadiness and of the situation’s ambiguity.
The Seven of Wands Card as a Person
People who identify with the Seven of Wands card have strong convictions and are not afraid to fight for what’s right. A Seven of Wands person is brave, determined, and will not let others stand in their way. They also make great allies to marginalized people, helping the less powerful in their fight against oppression.
Querents who pull the Seven of Wands are also prone to being overly defensive and accusatory, often seeing bias and injustice where there isn’t any. They should stop seeing everyone as an opponent and be more inclined to giving others the benefit of the doubt.

The Seven of Wands Upright
The upright Seven of Wands is a symbol of determination, self-defense, and standing up for what you believe in.
Love and Relationships
You’ve been feeling that your relationship is threatened by a new person or outside circumstances. Instead of worrying and obsessing over this perceived threat, focus on strengthening your bond with your partner. Talk about your fears and avoid blaming each other when things go wrong.
The two of you are in this for the long haul. You can withstand any challenge as long as you’re willing to work things out.
There is a lot of competition for your current position and you’re feeling the need to protect yourself from getting pushed out. Pulling the Seven of Wands is a sign that while you will have to work hard to prove your value to the company, you will be successful in keeping your job and are likely to get promoted soon. As long as you remain focused, nothing can take it away from you.
You are wisely taking action to protect the wealth you have earned. Continue along this path by diligently saving, making sound investments, and buying property. You will leave a sizable inheritance to your children and make generous donations to charity.
You have been battling a difficult illness for some time now. While it will require a great deal of effort and reliance on your support network, in the end you will make a full recovery.
The Seven of Wands Reversed
The reversed Seven of Wands represents feelings of weakness, vulnerability and being overwhelmed. You are highly sensitive to criticism. Summoning all your courage will be key to your success.
Love and Relationships
You or your partner will be calling it quits. Living up to all of the demands you’ve been making from each other has been difficult on both sides. If you want your relationship to last, you’ll have to fight for it. This will be difficult for you, especially considering the fragility of your current emotional state, but if you care about your partner it will be worth it in the long run.
If you’re single, this card is an indication that your low self-esteem is preventing you from finding love. You feel weak and unlovable, causing you to reject people before they can reject you. Remember that vulnerability can become a strength, and that it’s actually a necessary component of a healthy relationship.
You’re feeling burnt out at work. Working long hours for inadequate pay and not getting the respect your deserve from your boss is zapping your energy and driving you to look for other options.
While it’s important to feel appreciated at work, resist the temptation to walk away immediately. Talk to your boss to see if there are any changes they could make so you’re happier with your situation. If that doesn’t pan out, keep fighting for yourself and find an environment where you can thrive.
You’ve been spending your hard-earned money on frivolous items lately. If you continue down this path, you’ll lose everything you’ve worked so hard to gain. Adopt a more cautious financial plan by making conservative investments and you’ll be able to shop without mortgaging your future.
Someone close to you is losing their will to fight a disease. Be supportive and empathetic during their battle. This card can also signify a sickness in your own life that’s spiraling out of control, so pay close attention to your health needs.
Your Past, Present and Future
In the past position, the Seven of Wands indicates that you have worked hard your entire life, yet you feel like you progress has been slow. Don’t lose faith — your perseverance will pay off and you will see the results of your efforts soon.
In the present position, it means that you should be gearing up for an upcoming conflict or battle. While this will seem daunting at first, you absolutely have what it takes to come out on top. If you apply yourself, your competitors won’t stand a chance.
In the future position, the Seven of Wands indicates that you have recently entered a new phase in your life. You will experience continued growth as a result of this decision. Your history of hard work and ability to try new things bodes well for a successful future.
Important Card Combinations
The Seven of Wands combines well with other cards, particularly those within the Major Arcana and the Wands suit. It usually imbues some type of battle into the meaning of the other card.
Seven of Wands and Chariot
The Chariot symbolizes strength and victory. The pairing between it and the Seven of Wands is a sign that you will win your next fight, but you may be alone in your journey.
Seven of Wands and Justice
The Justice tarot card represents truth and fairness. Together, Justice and the Seven of Wands mean that you have a long struggle ahead. While you will eventually be victorious, this battle will certainly takes its toll on you.
Seven of Wands and Knight of Wands
The Knight of Wands is a symbol of leadership and taking action. This combination urges you to make your point to a larger audience. There are others out there who share your beliefs and who can help you spread your message. If you do this, you will be able to win a battle close to your heart.
Seven of Wands and Devil
The Devil is the card of trickery and entrapment. When combined with the Seven of Wands, it means that you are being manipulated by someone close to you. This person has convinced you to fight their fight for them — even though it is hurting you. Take a close look at your relationships and remember that you can’t help someone who refuses to help themselves.
Seven of Wands: Yes or No?
The Seven of Wands represents standing up for yourself and your beliefs in the face of obstacles. This requires a great deal of courage and inner strength, making this card a “yes.”
Frequently Asked Questions
What does the Seven of Wands mean in a love reading?
In the upright position, the Seven of Wands suggests that your relationship is threatened by a new person or outside circumstances.
What does the reversed Seven of Wands mean?
The reversed Seven of Wands represents feelings of weakness, vulnerability and being overwhelmed.
What does the Seven of Wands mean in a future reading?
In the future position, the Seven of Wands indicates that you have recently entered a new phase of growth in your life.
Is the Seven of Wands a yes or no question?
The Seven of Wands represents standing up for yourself, making this card a “yes”.